The Common Cure for a Bad Hair Day

So you wake up, look in the mirror, and instantly know that your hair isn’t planning on making any type of commitments with you for the day. It’s like it has a mind of its own and it's just not feeling you at all. Trust us we’ve all been there, and if you haven’t, let's be real who are you trying to fool it's a way of life.

One may ask themselves, what is the cure for a bad hair day? Well, it's simple and easy, put on a dad hat! Yes, a dad hat, baseball cap, or whatever else everyone else is calling it these days. One may say well what if my job doesn't allow dad hats at the workplace. Unfortunately, this does happen so what's the alternative? Mhm well, you can never go wrong with a ponytail, a slick back bun or even a thin scarf of some kind to be wrapped in a creative style. But seriously ladies nothing beats the dad hats. We just happen to have a great collection of unique and urban styles available on our site that should be check out!! They could be your cure to a bad hair day someday!

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Written By: Elina Estrella, TNB Intern


Avienne Lashley-Tapia

A great way to still look cute while hiding all that mess! I use a thin scarf when my natural kinks decide not to cooperate. This works for the office and outside.

Kayla Doyle

I’m sold! Really a great, easy fix. Keep it up!

Samantha Morse

Great idea! Love it!!!

Luis Mata

I love this, keep doing what you guys are doing and it’s such a great idea much love !

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